Un vista d'insieme del layout, alla data odierna.

A free-lanced railroad layout in N scale (1:160) based in Valle d'Aosta (Aosta Valley), in the north of Italy, near Alps. The original station, Cretaz, is between Pont D'Ael (South) and Lillaz (North). Un plastico di fantasia in scala N (1:160) ambientato in Valle D'Aosta vicino alle Alpi. La stazione del plastico d'origine, Cretaz, si trova su una linea a singolo binario tra Pont D'Ael a Sud e Lillaz a Nord.
3 commenti:
Hello Mario.
My name is Luis and I came across your awsome website, through Denny's blog.
I would like to congratulate you for your fine work.
I am too developing a modular layout, in teh Wonderfull N scale.
Can I put a link on my blog to yours?
Hi Luis, thanks for congratulations!
I know you too, again through Denny's blog.
I see you already built the base of the layout and a couple of structure (ehi, the "Liquor store" reminds me something...).
I’m glad to be linked on your blog.
May I link your blog to mine?
It is an honour to have a link to my blog on yours.
Please fell free to add it! :)
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